For more information: 828.768.9444
Benefits of massage for client:
- Relieves muscle tension / pain
- Alleviates muscle spasms
- Relieves /manages stress
- Increases relaxation
- Promotes self value and body awareness
- Assists in creating mental clarity
- Release emotional blockages
- Stimulates circulation
- Mobilizes joints
- Restores energy to body
- Improves flexibility
- Balances energy systems
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lengthens and strengthens muscles
- Breaks down scar tissue
- Balances organs of the body
- Improves concentration
- Integrates body, mind and Spirit
- Improves immune efficiency.
Massage Benefits for therapists:
- Therapeutic massage assists in releasing pain and dysfunction.
- Relaxing and soothing massage protocol
- Massage techniques involving spiritual values
- Massage movements that are therapist friendly
- Body / mind connection techniques that enable mental clarity for therapist
- Improved intuition in Bodywork
- Increased depth of massage without injuring the therapist
- Promotes self-value and body awareness
- Assists in creating mental clarity
- Releases emotional blockages
- Balances energy systems
- Brings empowerment to every aspect of our being
- Facilitates balance and healing of body, mind, emotions and Spirit

Tel: 828.768.9444
561 Kelly Lane, Brevard North Carolina 28768
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