For more information: 828.768.9444
About African Massage
African Massage is located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, near Pisgah Forest in Brevard, North Carolina which is located just 45 minutes southeast of Asheville.
Owner Jaci Dalely, has spent many years studying massage and natural healing practices around the world and used this knowledge to develope a unique and powerful form of massage called African Massage – Energy in Motion. Her technique was born from a South African word “Ubantu” which is a belief system based on interconnectedness – mind, body and spirit. Jaci’s philosophy incorporates the connectivity of nature, the elements and energy ie energy in motion.
The inter-body connectiveness theory helps to focus the practioner not just on the physical symptoms that clients present with, such as headaches, back pain or stress but on finding and eliminating the source of the problem as it is stored in the body.
In the spirit of all forms of massage, is unconditional love. The act of giving, holding, healing, helping and wanting what is best for the recipient. The outer form is not important, but upholding the essence of perfection that we all are as human beings, is vital. In my opinion, the thing that we all strive for, more than anything else is contentment, happiness or joy. The sense of our community, that we are all affected by one another and our interconnectedness with all life forms, is what defines us as human beings. Coupled with unconditional love, is the aspect of respect. If I uphold all people as equal, including myself, in hurting, harming, hindering anyone or anything, I am doing the same thing to me.
Our Philosphy Energy in Motion
The only constant thing in life is change. So if we hold onto things that do not serve us; it’s as if we throw a huge log over /into a nicely flowing river. There’s going to be corruption of the natural flow. The river will either have to flow around it or over it. This is so similar to our body or our emotions or our psyche – if there is something impeding the natural and normal flow, it causes disruption of many different parts of us, like the creatures in the river which may sustain a lot of difficulties, due to the fallen log in the river. In order to have the log moved, there maybe a flood needed, to change it’s pathway or move the logjam. This is also a similar situation in our bodies’ – there often need for a strong moving force to alter a stagnant pattern, whether it be a bad body posture that causes a variety of muscles to become stretched and irritated, or a behavior or emotional pattern that does not serve us. We as human beings resist change. Many, many people would rather suffer disgracefully, than make a positive change.

Tel: 828.768.9444
561 Kelly Lane, Brevard North Carolina 28768
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