Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop helps you to remember….. 

* who you really are 

* how to activate your 3rd eye, your pineal gland and the tubes of light 

* how everything comes into existence and your role in this creation 

* to create your life from love and Oneness 

* to bring you into harmony with Mother Earth and prepare for ascension 

* how to balance your heart and your brain 

* how to live from the Sacred Space of your heart and to maintain unconditional 

   love in your daily life 

* how to activate your living organic MerKaBa 

* to live your life from joy! 

For more information contact: Jaci Daley – 

If you already have a functioning MerKaBa , you will learn to replace the old created from the polarized brain with the organic living one  from your heart which is activated instantly and is permanent.

Recommended Readings – Drunvalo’s books: Ancient Secrets of Flower of Life, Volumes I and II and Living in the Heart.

This workshop is the difference between knowing the path and living the path. I look forward to walking the path holding hands and hearts.Are you ready to take your consciousness from the polarity of the brain into the unity of the heart, and to activate a living permanent MerKaBa-eld and to create a new world of Oneness from your heart? It is time once again to connect to your light body in this way… a way that is natural and complete… a way that opens the door to the Unity that lies within the heart. Once this doorway is opened life will never be the same.

This workshop will be offered in Brevard / Asheville, NC.

This workshop will be held on:

October 24-27, 2013 9am-6pm daily

INVESTMENT: $400 with early registration by

10-3-13 and $100 deposit. After 10-3-13, $444.


Space is limited – so call now!

Awakening the Illuminated Heart – This workshop is the difference between knowing the path and living the path. I look forward to walking the path holding hands and hearts.

Love, Bj